Thursday, 8 December 2016


On Tuesday and Thursday we got the opportunity to go out on the water and do some rowing. There where 4 year 8s and 4 collage students. My group when first so it was a little scary, once we were on the water  I felt fine and it was pretty fun. On Thursday we when on the urges just to refresh our minds, I learnt a little more skills by going on the urges. This time going on the water was harder because we were going against the current, on the way back to the pontoon we worked really well together and we were in time.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Learning Conversation

I had my learning Conversation at home, so I made a wordle. In my wordle I have included the things me and my parents talked about,  some key words and what we looked at while we had my learning conversation.

My favorite space

My favorite space  in Marama is the collaborative space. I like working in the collaborative space because you can work with others on your learning. If you don't understand or quite get a question or task in your learning someone can help you and you can work it out together in the collaborative space. You can share you thoughts aloud and still be focused on you learning.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Lego Me

My lego me has paint all over her shirt ,scissors and a paint brush in her hands. My lego me shows my creativity towards my learning. I love art and crafts and I like to present my learning in different ways to make it my own. 
Lego life- In her free time she'll try to find ways on how to make everyday less boring, she'll try to pizzazz anything she can find. She trails off task really easy and sometimes will start day dreaming about random....... uuumm 1. How to take over the world

Sunday, 27 November 2016

My bucket list


This year has gone so fast, it feels like just last week we were heading into our new class room as if no time has gone by, that's how I feel about this quote. Nothing has changed almost everyday is the exact same as the last, but yet everything is different. 


If you give me food I will live, if you give me water I will die. What am I?

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Deforestation trip

Last Tuesday the deforestation group went to Thames to plant some trees. We met a guy called Derick and he talked us through the cycle to plant trees. First we had to dig a small whole big enough for a young tree, then we sprinkled some growing salt on it. We then put a small pellet inside the whole just to keep it healthy. The last step was to take out the plant and tether the ends of the routs just before placing it in the dirt and covering it up to the stalk. We didn't have to water it because the soil was already soaked with water.
 We planted heaps of trees, some of them were native like the Lance Wood. Altogether we planted 48 trees. After, Derick took us on a walk through a native reserve right next to where we were planting and he showed us a tree that someone had planted, I can't remember his name but he was the first person in New Zealand to recognize global warming as a threat. He told us more about trees like how they release oxygen at night and we do most of our growing at night. Coincidence, I think not.   

Saturday, 19 November 2016

HP Athletics

I was at HP athletics all ready to got to high jump, at first only a handful of kids showed up but eventually they came. I cleared all the jumps up to 115 cm. Me and another girl who was really good were the only ones who got over it but I started to get really nervous and I crashed on 118 cm over and over and over again until I was out.
That was the worst high jump that I've ever done but I still somehow came second, but unfortunately it's only the op 1 that goes to TV. The girl who came first was really good and her score was 133 cm. The resat of the day I cheered on the resat of our school  and we did really well on our relays. It was a good day.


On Monday we had our school athletics. My favorite event is high jump, every year I always come second  because I always use to compete in a year older than all my friends so I was with the older kids, but this year since it was my last year the older kids had gone to collage and this year I came first in high jump. I could jump 127 cm.
After that I had 100 m sprints, the first heat was off and just looking at them running made me more nervous, when it came to my heat we had to restart 3 times before we where off and running. In the end of that race I came 4th. The 100 m finals came up and this time we had to restart 5 time( thanks to Edell, haha) but in that race I didn't get a placing.
Up next, long jump. the first time I jumped I fell over before i could jump, I tripped on the mat and stumbled along the sand. The second time was a no jump because my foot was off the mat when I jumped, the last time I jumped was the best so far, but knowing me I stuffed it up; I fell backwards and my hands lay at the start of the sand pit
. Now at shout put, lets not even go there...  haha. in one event some how I hurt my foot, it was swollen ad bruised so I had to sit out the rest of my races. And that was the end of athletics at NPS

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Good Teamwork & Bad Teamwork

This week our goal was about good & bad teamwork.Good teamwork is getting along and not arguing when you bump into problems. If you do stumble upon a problem work together to solve it and not excluding anyone. Bad teamwork is when you bicker and fight when you bump into problems. When you show bad teamwork nothing will get done you'll just make others in the group feel bad and that isn't going to help you achieve anything.

  I think I've achieved this goal because today me and Brooke showed teamwork. I hadn't finished my AWS  and I saw Brooke who was sitting next to me struggling with some of her questions on Manga-high, so I helped her with some of her 7 timetables and in the end she got a silver. After that Brooke help explain some questions that I didn't quite understand. Now I understand how to read a two sided leaf graph. I think we should all show a little more teamwork.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Little Gardens

Today while half of Marama was at calf club the rest of us had the opportunity to do something fun sand. We made little gardens out of anything we could find. Me and Kate paired up and decided to do a dinosaur garden and we called it Dinolandia. I brought a big plate to make our creation on. First we dug out some sand from the sand pit and we lay it out evenly, in the middle we dug out a little hole and pored water inside to make a little cove. We looked at our plan and made a few arrangements on where we were going to place our dinosaurs. We stuck them deep in the sand and even made a little cave out of rocks to put out little T-Rex inside.

Once we had placed all our dinosaurs we weren't that happy with it because it was missing something and it didn't look quite right so we re-arrange it again. We added some more rocks around the sides and put the little lizard dinosaurs on it to make it look like they where really on them. We dug one of the snakes under the sand with his head popping up and the  other snake peering out of the grass. Then I put the other two dinosaurs reaching up about to eat the leafs. After we finished Moana came to look at our beautiful creations.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

LITM Confrecne Reflection

Last Friday was one of the funnest Fridays this term, which was the only Friday this term. But the reason why it was so fun was because we had THE LEARNING IN THE MAKING CONFERENCE!!! My favorite workshop was drama because I had lots of fun going crazy with expression and just being silly and I had a great time. While I was in the stick raft making workshop I learnt how to strategize in different ways , I did a completely different design to everyone else and that held a lot more things on it while it was in the water, I also tied knots in different ways and that made it a lot stronger. My third workshop was badminton, i’d never really played a proper game of badminton before only practiced skills so that was a really fun and cool experience that I could share with others.My last workshop was a cool and relaxing task to finish off the day, we made vintage wall paper bunting, I would definitely do this again at home because I loved all the wallpaper patterns and it come together in the end and it just looked amazing. I don’t think anyone could top this year's LEARNING IN THE MAKING CONFERENCE!!! This was by far the best out of three.

The Marama Way

This term I'm going to focus on being brave and I'm going to take more risks towards my learning. I've already shown an act of being brave by putting my hand up to show my learning as an example. I'm sometime quiet at school and I feel like I need to be more louder and brave.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Who I hung out with in the holidays

She has hair as bold as the sun set,
Freckles smeared along her face,
She brightens up the room when she walks in and makes everyone smile. 

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Pet day

Pet day was on the last day school and I was bringing my fabulous pet turtle Peanut-butter. Peanut-butter loves to swim and climb on his rock; his favorite food is bacon and the beast thing about him is that he has his own built in home on his back. There were only two water creatures at pet day, Peanut-butter and Kirans pet fish Ryan. Ryan (the fish) had  beautiful blazing orange scales that stood out from the rainbow colored pebbles that he swam above. Jameena and someone else who was the judge came in to start the judging. The judges were very quiet, they only asked about 3 questions... Dose Peanut-butter have a tail? (He did) Whats your turtles name? And how googlie are his eyes? They gave out the first two awards for the frilliest tail, Kairan and Ryan came first on that one and Me and Peanut-butter came second. The next category was the best pet past port, I came first for that one, then I got another first for most interesting name: the reason why I name Peanut-butter his wacky name was because when my mum brought him home to me I was eating a peanut-butter sandwich. The fourth award I got was a second for the googlist eyes. Over all I came first and got a bright bursting red rosette.I think Peanut-butter had fun because lots of kids wanted to play with him and see him run around and swim and eat bacon and he almost looked as if he was smiling.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

My writing sample

I woke up on a perfect sunny day in my snuggly warm bed with blades of light screaming through the curtains. I thought it would be a good day to go for a walk in the woods. I spring out of bed and before I walk through the hall I hear my parents snoring their heads off, it was so loud they sounded like chainsaws cutting down a trees. I didn’t want to disturb them so I left a note. “Hey Mom & Dad, I’m going for a walk in the woods today, I’ll be back later. -Owen.” I stepped through the door with a witch in my stomach brewing up a feeling of excitement, I take a deep and refreshing breath before walking aimlessly down the street. I find myself at the start of the rail trail that leads through the deep dark woods. The walk got a little boring because I've walked this trail millions of times, I decided to stay from the path and wander around for a bit.

I pass I sign with a really creepy font that said “ Do Not Pass This Point!” But I ignore it because really how bad can the woods be? I pear at all the trees and flowers, it was amazing I've never seen this part of the forest before. As I got deeper and deeper into the forest, the beautiful flowers start to fade by and things became more and more stange. It was the kind of strange that made you question why you're even hear. But then it got even more strange. There were no more trees all except a little grove of trees that looks like it had been planted in an empty meadow in the middle of a forest.

I walked into the little grove and the first thing that caught my eye was a little pond. The pond looked magical it had lots of little flowering trees surrounding one side of it, the water was as clear as crystals it was really alluring.  I take off my shoes and the water felt like magic. I make a splash as if it were the best time of my life, I see little circle ripples repeating over and over, following that a big rumbling shake pushes me into the water soaking me completely. I felt like I was moving but how could that be? Land Moving? I slowly steady myself and walk to the edge of the grove. I was moving, the grove had legs; really big ugly legs with even bigger feet that had moss and dirt wedged in between the toes. I came too close to the edge and I fell onto what I thought was in a giant dirt nose with moss growing all around it. I find myself staring into two big beady green eyes as I sit on the ogers nose. I spy around the edge of the ogre's head and I saw a trail of fallen down being pushed over by two giant ugly feet.  

I hear screams coming from behind me, I quickly swiveled around and I saw a terrorized town running from this ogre .(Which i’m sitting on) The ogre stomped his loud feet, with each step he took was like an earthquake one after another. He walked over to the docs and picked up a large white boat. “I don’t know why he wanted that boat when there are other things like money or houses, “ Oops.” I said with a worrying concern in my voice. I think I said that out loud because the ogre is taking a roof off someone's house. This had gone far enough, I had to stop this oger from destroying the town. I started to scream” HEY, HEY STOP!”

His eyes meet mine as he look at the little speck that sat on his nose. He looked at me as if he didn’t know I was there. He picked me from the top of his nose with his big dirty moss covered fingers, I asked
him “Why are you stealing these things?” He gave out a long depressing siey with his incredibly deep and unclear and slow voice ” hhhhhhhh!” A gust of his breath hit my face as he said that.” I’m lonely I just wanted company.”  “Well, I could be your friend.” I said. The ogre's face filled with happiness. He replied with a loud “YEA!” He held me in his hand and he thundered back into the woods. Past the beautiful trees and into the empty meadow where there was a big bite out the earth missing. He climbed back into his hole and it was like it was just a grove and nothing else.

As I returned to the town giant foot marks were permanently engraved on the street with little cracks shooting out the sides like lightning. I could people peering around the corners of buildings so see if it were safe. I guiltily walk home and try to act as if nothing had happened. I cheek on my parents, I was expecting them to come rushing up to me to see if I was ok. That was not one of those times, they were still snoring their heads off.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Aims Games

On saturday I got up bright and early to make a father's day breakfast for my dad. Once I finished eating my pancakes with MT Bacon on the side drizzled with a stream of syrup I went back to bed. About 10 minutes or so later I realized I had Aims Games. I had totally forgot about it and so rushed out to the kitchen to make a dark chocolate brownie and a weet-bix slice to take for our lunch boxes. I rushed back to my room to pack my bag. I literally just thrown a bunch of clothes in. I was out the door and ready (Sort of ) to go to Aims Games. When I got to school we were put into cars for the drive to Taronga, I was put in Ava’s car and the whole way we played snap. Imagine that, playing snap for and hour and a half while eating mint lollies. When we got to the hotel we unpacked and settled into our rooms. For dinner we had big variety of things to choose from. I chose pasta bake and a little potato bake, it was delicious. After that we settled in for bed and went to sleep.( Well we talked for a bit)
The next day we got up to go watch the boys rugby because our only game was at 3:40.We went to the turf and there was a giant salt stack right next to the turf so my lips were really dry.  I can’t really remember who we played but all I know was that we kicked their butts by winning 14-2. The next day we won 1 out of 3 games and were competing for 6th place. On wednesday we only had one game and we won that one 4-2. On Thursday we had two games and we won 1 out of 2. Friday was our last game and we were battling it out for 13th and 14th place. We were siked and ready to play. We started off a little rusty because the other team scored the first goal but then we scored 3 more but then so did they. In the second half we really upped our game by getting 8 goals in the end and the other team got 6. I was so happy that we came 13th out of 38 schools. I can remember lossis more that the wins but I was glad we got a good placing.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Goal Reflection

Winning or losing does not define who we are.   Our attitude and how we hold ourselves does .’ 
That was our goal this week, and I achieved this goal because today when I came to cheek up on my language features doc all of my work had been DELETED, I didn't give up and say " I can't do this, I give up". I thought to myself "It's OK, I'll do it again but this time 3 times better".

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Father's Day

My dad is great,
But whenever he’s in charge were always late.
He makes lots of dad jokes that are sorta funny,
And he takes us out to the beach when it’s nice and sunny.
He taught me how to bake and I thank him for that,
But if he keeps eating it all he’s gonna get fat.
He doesn't have a favorite child but I know the truth,
I bet it’s me because I wasn't the kid that made fun of him when he lost his youth.  
He’s loosing hair on the top of his head,
And soon he’ll be lying on his deathbed.
When he makes me breakfast he always burn my toast,
But still i'm the one who loves you the most. xx

Monday, 29 August 2016

Question of the Week

Is It better to be a kid or a grown up?
I think it's better to be a kid because when your a kid you will grow up to be a grown up, but in the mean time you can just have fun, and enjoy not paying bills.

HP Cross Country

Yesterday I had my last HP Cross Country. It was terribly cool and wet and so our idea of “🔥keeping warm🔥” was huddling up on the big blue tarp hiding behind a three small umbrellas with two blanket covering our freezing cold body's. The day went pretty quick up until my Race. They had  to move the race alone quicker because like I said ☁IT WAS FREEZING!!! ☁The announcer's voice became louder as we were about to race. “Ready , SET, GO!!!
We ran down the slippery steep muddy hill, I was heading right towards an electric fence at the bottom of the mudslide and the only way to stop myself was… “Plonk”  
I landed in a mud pit just as I was going to crash into the fence. I look down at myself and see that the mud had crawled it’s was up to my knees and was oozing it’s was into my shoes and in between my toes. I carry on running up the BIG STEEP HILL, “DON DON DON!” It was much bigger than the killer hill at South Farms. The rest of the was just like a 🌺peaceful jog🌺, I noticed so many thing. I could hear the 🐦birds chirping🐦 to the cold, the whistle from the ☁wind ☁and how many patches of mud I stepped in, 7 to be exact.
I was almost at the 🏁 finish line 🏁 going at a steady pace I could hear others saying “ Who's going to win, I think it's this person, no it this one.”I  tie with someone else. At the end of the 🏁 race 🏁 a photo was waiting to be taken along with some other friends. Well I’m 😊glad 😊that's over.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Daffodil Day

Today I was a 🎂Chef🎂. We got to dress up as what we wanted to be when we grew up. The reason we got to dress up as what we wanted to be when we grew up was because it was 🌼daffodil day🌼. The events team wanted to try something new and different to raise money for the cancer society. 🌼Daffodil day🌼 is a day to raise money to help support people that have been affected in some way by cancer.

The money is then given to the lions gate cancer society and put into helping people with treatment and it gives them 3 meals a day and a place to stay all for free because some people are in a situation where they can't pay for all this. And so that why we donate gold coins on 🌼daffodil day🌼. 

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Cross Country

Yesterday we went to South farms for cross country and it was my last cross country at ngatea primary. I signed up to run with the little kids to help them with their first race. At first all of the kids had so much energy but after 5 minutes the all got tired and started to walk, so me and the others who were running with the younger kids encouraged them to carry on and give it their best. It was almost at the end of the race when I had two kids by my side holding my hands and running to finish the race. The kids were so puffed and tired but for me it was just like talking big steps while they take tiny fast steps.
It was a little while later when my race came but I was ready, but when we came to start a bundle of butterflies gathered in the pit of my stomach. “Ready set go” We where off and running up the mud hill which wasn't so muddy like last year. Already I was puffed but I didn't stop running until we got up KILLER HILL, don don don. My feet were so cold that I couldn’t feel them, which was a good thing  because I could run on the stones while everyone else was trailing behind each other on the small strip of grass. I came to the stream and it was FREEZING.
After that was a giant puddle of icky sticky mud, it oozes through my toes as I almost slip over.I run up the hill to the finish line, but wait someone is creeping behind me and was almost about to pass me. At the last couple of seconds I sprint to the end of the finish line and it was finally over. I just made it into Hauraki plains because I came 10th. It was a fun and exhausting last cross country at NPS.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Global Warming GE Ignition

Today we had another session about our inquiry. We went off into our groups and started brainstorming ideas,I was in Global warming and how we can reduce it. These are some questions about our inquiry.
  • What is it I hope I will come to understand more deeply through this inquiry?
I hope to know more and understand what actually is causing global warming and how I can help.
  • What knowledge might I need to help move towards this understanding?
I would need to know when it started, what are the main causes of it, what else global warming effects and can we actually help.
  • What is it I hope to be able to do more competently?
I hope to do more team work and discuss things more with my team rather than doing it alone.
  • What learning powers will this inquiry help me practice and develop further?

Resilience -  When were at the bottom of the pit and we can't think, keep moving forward because it might lead us onto another track. Connecting- Working with our team and discussing ideas. Curiosity- This hole thing was based on curiosity so we are already doing a lot of this.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Book Bash

Paper Planes
💮Date: 16/08/16

💮Pages: chapter 7-9

💮Task: discussion director

💮 Words:

  1. When Jarko was telling his story when he was in the trench, he said that he stayed still when the enemy came. What would you do if you were in that situation?
  2. When jarko asked for the two rabbits what do you think he wanted them for?
  3. When you first read this why did you think Tata was furious about the painted egg shells?
  4. Why do you think Mama and Tata were being really quiet when Jarko Left to fight again?
  5. Do you think that this will ever happen to us? Do you think there will be war here?

All Most Summer

The frost covers the ground,
In the morning there is not a sound,
Jack frost nipping at your toes,
Watching the ice melt as it goes,
A bright beam screams through the sky,
And letting the warmth in as it starts to fly,
The sun gleaming through the air,
Beautiful trees standing tall and fair,
The hot air runs past my face,
The birds fluttering at a steady pace,
Water drops glisten beneath a ray of light,
Butterflies get ready to take flight,
The bees come out to play,
As they hover to flowers as they may,
The sun starts to go down,
Darkness comes and the world starts to frown,   
Today was a beautiful day,
I can wait for tomorrow to go outside and play.

Hockey tournament

On Saturday I had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning to go to a hockey tournament in North Harbor. The ride felt like forever but we got there. (Eventually) We started off with a light training before the game against Auckland. I was all pumped up and ready to go but a hockey ball smashed into my knee. It hurt for 2 minutes once I put the Ice on it, but after that it felt OK.
Once the whistle went the ball never really came to where I was standing, in the second half the ball came towards me a lot more and the other team managed to get 4 goals and I ended up stopping 11 goals. Overall it was a great game even though we lost, we felt pretty accomplished because Auckland is a hard team and we learnt lots from that game.
The second game was at 4:45 and we played Waikato. This game was a little bit messy because we got called out for a lot of PCs. I stopped only 1 goal and over all and the score 2-1 to Waikato.
The next day we didn't have to wake up quite as late but I was still really tired. When we got to the hockey club we all sat down and watched the women's Hockey Olympics. We didn't want to stop watching but we had training.  The third game was relay intense because if we didn't win this game we'd have to go home. The ball was so close to getting in the goal but it rebounded of the post. I was so relived. In the end of that game we WON. The score was two nil to us and we played against Counties,  and I stopped 9 goals.
We had  our last game against North Harbor. We were playing on their turf so we wanted to play a good game. In that game there were a few PCs but all in all it was a good game. They won 3 nil, they played really well so they deserved it. It was a great and fun weekend of hockey and I can't wait for more to come.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Book Bash

Paper Planes
💮Date: 09/08/16

💮Pages: chapter 5-7

💮Task: Quote to charter

💮 Words:
  1. I chose this quote because even though they’re in war they still need to make the most out of that time, and focus on the little things, like when Niko was thinking about all the good times they had before the war.
Image result for quotes
2.I chose this quote because I think Niko needs to tell someone what happened with the brothers, because if something like that happens you need to tell someone otherwise it will change you.   
Image result for the truth quotes

3. I chose this quote because everyone that is in the middle of this war can’t do anything and it’s driving people insane.
Image result for about leaving for war quotes


Today we where exploring our curiosity. We had some objects and books and a lot more placed  around the room, then we where given posted notes to write about any questions that we had about those object or  those object could have sparked questions in our heads.
We wrote them down and placed them on the table. We then had to write our two most interesting question that we wrote done on the tables and dived our self into groups. I was in the group interested about space. I had a couple of question off the top of my head and they where...
1. " How did people know that there was something other that earth?" 2. "Why are planets round why can't the be triangle?" There was one that I though was relay cool that someone else did, it was... " Because of gravity we don't drift off of earth, but we are on the bottom of earth so why don't we fall off?" I thought that one relay cool. And that is what we did today.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Current Events

Lost Orca 

An Orca calf has been separated from it's family after carelessly swimming off  into the Tauranga Habour. Because young Orcas need their pods to get food and keep them out of danger the Orca calf that has been stayed from the pod might not have long if it don't find it's pod soon. It has been lost for two weeks now but the Department of Conservation has put out a search party  for this young Orca.
I hope they find it soon. :(

Monday, 1 August 2016

My Book Bash Prediction

Paper Planes
💮Date: 02/08/16

💮Pages: Read Chapter 1-2-3-4

💮Task: Predict what will happen next

💮 Words: I predict that the paper plane that was flown is a way that someone is is trying communicate with others, and then whoever is flying the paper planes end up sending messages after every bomb or shooting to see if people are ok.

I also think Niko and the person that threw the paper plane end up becoming friends but getting to know each other by writing things about them on the paper planes. Then I think that the person stops sending paper planes and Niko gets suspicious and goes out to find him but I think that he’s dead.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

The Black Robin

Long Long ago in the lands of Aotearoa a white bird sawed across the island with grace and harmony. Although the bird was small it had mighty power to change the colours of  Aotearoa. The bird changed the colours of flowers it brought the colours of night and day, it kept the lands nice and green and fresh for the other animals on the island.   One day the bird didn’t fly over the lands know one had seen the bird at all, and because the bird brought the colours of night and day, the sky was filled with a pitch black lurking darkness, the creatures were scared and that only made the sky darker.  
The creatures of the land looked high and low to find the white bird but it was nowhere to be seen. They came across a small village with a huddled up tribe looking at something with excitement while there bellies rumbled. Before they could look someone from the tribe snatched the creachers and took them into one of the Teepees where the white bird had been kept. They were glad they found the white bird but sad because their trapped and they might never see daylight again. The white bird remembered … it’s still a bird and he pecked through the net and they all escaped. The white bird sawed through the black sky but it was too late the sky was to dark, the only way for day to come was that the bird had to take the colour and put it into him. The bird started flapping and then he started to glow, all the darkness was being sucked into him then poof. The white bird was a pitch black colour. And that's the story about the black robin and how it became black.