Monday 22 August 2016

Global Warming GE Ignition

Today we had another session about our inquiry. We went off into our groups and started brainstorming ideas,I was in Global warming and how we can reduce it. These are some questions about our inquiry.
  • What is it I hope I will come to understand more deeply through this inquiry?
I hope to know more and understand what actually is causing global warming and how I can help.
  • What knowledge might I need to help move towards this understanding?
I would need to know when it started, what are the main causes of it, what else global warming effects and can we actually help.
  • What is it I hope to be able to do more competently?
I hope to do more team work and discuss things more with my team rather than doing it alone.
  • What learning powers will this inquiry help me practice and develop further?

Resilience -  When were at the bottom of the pit and we can't think, keep moving forward because it might lead us onto another track. Connecting- Working with our team and discussing ideas. Curiosity- This hole thing was based on curiosity so we are already doing a lot of this.

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