Monday 29 August 2016

HP Cross Country

Yesterday I had my last HP Cross Country. It was terribly cool and wet and so our idea of “🔥keeping warm🔥” was huddling up on the big blue tarp hiding behind a three small umbrellas with two blanket covering our freezing cold body's. The day went pretty quick up until my Race. They had  to move the race alone quicker because like I said ☁IT WAS FREEZING!!! ☁The announcer's voice became louder as we were about to race. “Ready , SET, GO!!!
We ran down the slippery steep muddy hill, I was heading right towards an electric fence at the bottom of the mudslide and the only way to stop myself was… “Plonk”  
I landed in a mud pit just as I was going to crash into the fence. I look down at myself and see that the mud had crawled it’s was up to my knees and was oozing it’s was into my shoes and in between my toes. I carry on running up the BIG STEEP HILL, “DON DON DON!” It was much bigger than the killer hill at South Farms. The rest of the was just like a 🌺peaceful jog🌺, I noticed so many thing. I could hear the 🐦birds chirping🐦 to the cold, the whistle from the ☁wind ☁and how many patches of mud I stepped in, 7 to be exact.
I was almost at the 🏁 finish line 🏁 going at a steady pace I could hear others saying “ Who's going to win, I think it's this person, no it this one.”I  tie with someone else. At the end of the 🏁 race 🏁 a photo was waiting to be taken along with some other friends. Well I’m 😊glad 😊that's over.

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