Tuesday 18 October 2016

Little Gardens

Today while half of Marama was at calf club the rest of us had the opportunity to do something fun sand. We made little gardens out of anything we could find. Me and Kate paired up and decided to do a dinosaur garden and we called it Dinolandia. I brought a big plate to make our creation on. First we dug out some sand from the sand pit and we lay it out evenly, in the middle we dug out a little hole and pored water inside to make a little cove. We looked at our plan and made a few arrangements on where we were going to place our dinosaurs. We stuck them deep in the sand and even made a little cave out of rocks to put out little T-Rex inside.

Once we had placed all our dinosaurs we weren't that happy with it because it was missing something and it didn't look quite right so we re-arrange it again. We added some more rocks around the sides and put the little lizard dinosaurs on it to make it look like they where really on them. We dug one of the snakes under the sand with his head popping up and the  other snake peering out of the grass. Then I put the other two dinosaurs reaching up about to eat the leafs. After we finished Moana came to look at our beautiful creations.

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