Sunday 18 September 2016

Aims Games

On saturday I got up bright and early to make a father's day breakfast for my dad. Once I finished eating my pancakes with MT Bacon on the side drizzled with a stream of syrup I went back to bed. About 10 minutes or so later I realized I had Aims Games. I had totally forgot about it and so rushed out to the kitchen to make a dark chocolate brownie and a weet-bix slice to take for our lunch boxes. I rushed back to my room to pack my bag. I literally just thrown a bunch of clothes in. I was out the door and ready (Sort of ) to go to Aims Games. When I got to school we were put into cars for the drive to Taronga, I was put in Ava’s car and the whole way we played snap. Imagine that, playing snap for and hour and a half while eating mint lollies. When we got to the hotel we unpacked and settled into our rooms. For dinner we had big variety of things to choose from. I chose pasta bake and a little potato bake, it was delicious. After that we settled in for bed and went to sleep.( Well we talked for a bit)
The next day we got up to go watch the boys rugby because our only game was at 3:40.We went to the turf and there was a giant salt stack right next to the turf so my lips were really dry.  I can’t really remember who we played but all I know was that we kicked their butts by winning 14-2. The next day we won 1 out of 3 games and were competing for 6th place. On wednesday we only had one game and we won that one 4-2. On Thursday we had two games and we won 1 out of 2. Friday was our last game and we were battling it out for 13th and 14th place. We were siked and ready to play. We started off a little rusty because the other team scored the first goal but then we scored 3 more but then so did they. In the second half we really upped our game by getting 8 goals in the end and the other team got 6. I was so happy that we came 13th out of 38 schools. I can remember lossis more that the wins but I was glad we got a good placing.

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