Wednesday 15 June 2016

IE Reflection

What was the most important thing you learned?
The most important thing I learned was knowing and understanding that our bee’s play a big part of our world and are disappearing because of us.

What changes did you make along the way?

I made a lot of changes on my creation ,at first I was going to make a paper mache model of a bee then I changed it to a bee hotel, that's like a hotel for bees and it has all the things bees like, and then I decided to make a bee hive/box.

What was your favourite thing about this project?
I loved learning everything about this project because it was something that I was interested but didn’t know much about, so it was really fun to learn and create my project.

What was the toughest part?  How could you improve your this the next time?
The toughest part was figuring out what information the the right information. There are so many different site with different information and opinions and so you never know what's true and what's not. 

What are your next steps or new ideas for next time?
When I finished presenting it was time for questions but there was one question that I could not answer because I didn’t think of it so my next step is to answer this..
Are there any bees that are native to New Zealand?
And I've decided to add on a new slide about native bee.

1 comment:

  1. I like it how you put lots of detail in to your IE reflection. Good work Sophie :)
