Sunday 19 June 2016

Canada Sells Australia and New Zealand Air to china

Lately China has had one of the worst pollution  in the world, it is so bad that they have to wear masks to go outside. In canada a company has come up with an idea to bottle air from Australia and New Zealand and sell to China for $20 a can. They have been flying off the shelfs and more than 14000 cans are brought a day.

People are also going to the Rocky mountains of New Zealand and catching fresh air and putting them in a jar then selling them online for more than $80 to people in China. The Canadian company has different types of air for you to choose from, like "Gold Coast Air" , "Tasmana Air" , "Mountain Air"  , "Beach Air"  and much much more.

The grey thick cloud of polluted air has caused over 4000 people die a day. People are buying this are but I don't think you should pay to live and to pay for the air that you breath.
Image result for air sold in chinaImage result for air sold in china

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