Wednesday 17 February 2016

Book challenge

The Worry Tree
By : Marianne Musgrove
Genre: Fiction            8/10
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I predicted that the new girl Gemma that Juliet tries to become friends with and Juliet's best friend Lindsey begin to hate each other and fight over Juliet.

My favorite part about this book is when when Juliet first discovers the worry tree, because it held such a big part of the book leading to happiness.

Just because something isn’t magic doesn't mean it’s not magical.

Juliet worries too much, she is a worry wort. But when she discovers a hidden painting things start to change. She makes a new friend but her best friend Lindsay doesn't like her, they end up destroying their friendship with Juliet. Her parents begin to fight a lot and Juliet thinks that everything is her fault, will she fix it…

By Sophie Scott

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